Please be aware that processing times for certain items/orders can vary from 2 - 14 days, depending on the availability of certain products. Please contact us if you need your items before a certain date & we will try our best to fulfill your requests.
If you are interested in an item that is not on the website, for example, an older item or a specific size of blanketing, please contact us with an outline of the products you require. In many cases we may have stock available.
When fabric designs are discontinued by the supplier Jenny will select substitute fabrics that will give a similar look to that of the original project. The pictorial on the website will generally reflect that of the original design as a new sample is not created each time a fabric changes.
If you prefer not to pay online with credit card or PayPal, we are happy to take your details over the phone (please call 0427 251712). In addition, if you would prefer to send a cheque for your items please contact us via email.
If you are interested in booking into a class with Jenny, please contact us via email as she runs regular classes at her studio in Adelaide, SA. Group bookings of up to 10 are welcomed. Questions and inquiries regarding classes interstate or overseas are also welcome via email.
Happy Stitching!
Jenny McWhinney Desings
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0427 251712